Friday, February 8, 2008

What's With Us Minnesotans?

Last night I was sitting all cozy on my couch with my laptop warming my legs while the Arctic blast howled outside around me. The outside temperature was hovering around 8 degrees, and if you were actually foolish enough to venture outside it would have felt like -35. Wow! What keeps us living in a place where you can lose body parts if you don't have them properly covered?
Even though a few days out of the year are brutally frigid, I still enjoy the Minnesota change of seasons. I haven't always been a fan (or even tolerant) of winter, but I am starting to come around. Just a week ago last Sunday I went for a 6 mile hike through the snow laden woods with a friend. It was 43 degrees (go figure) and the air smelled so fresh, the sky was a bright blue, and the contrast of the snow against the evergreens could take your breath away. We crossed a footbridge that took us over a partially frozen creek which was this amazing opaque green color. That's something I never would have been able to experience without winter's touch.
Since many people throughout the country wonder why in the world we choose to live in Minnesota (besides relying on the fact that our hardy or direction challenged ancestors settled here 100+ years ago) I thought I'd provide my top 5 reasons for wanting to live in Owatonna, MN.
Parks - I can enjoy miles of trails for biking and hiking through picturesque scenery, able to take in the trees budding, and fragrance of lilacs in Spring, the vibrant display of colors on the trees, and the crisp evening air in Fall, the plentiful evidence of wildlife and greenery (along with an unwelcome mosquito or two) in Summer, and the beautiful scene of snow as it clings to branches and creates a winter playground.
People - In Owatonna neighbors know and care about one other. We reach out to help someone through a crisis or illness. We watch each others kids, and keep an eye on neighbors' homes when they're out of town (visiting warmer climates).
Business/Employment - We are fortunate to have a variety of established and successful companies in our industry base. Many of these companies are homegrown success stories that now have a global presence.
Proximity- We are located 45 miles from plentiful cultural, metropolitan experiences and world re-knowned health care, but we can trade the traffic and more expensive housing for affordably priced homes, and a quality pace of life.
Schools - Like so many communities in Minnesota we are very proud of our schools, quality of teachers, and success of our students. We value the characteristics of our public schools, and yet offer private school choices, as well. In addition, a plethora of top rated post secondary schools are incredibly accessible to students who want to continue beyond high school. With high graduation rates, and a large number of students pursuing post secondary education, we have a lot to feel good about.
So, if you ever want to experience the wonder of winter, come on up to Minnesota. Contrary to popular belief you'll actually have to come during the winter months, because the snow really does melt, and we actually have 90+ degree days (quite a few of them). Owatonna, MN is a wonderful place to work, play, live and grow, so if you have any clients or friends who are contemplating a move to our part of the country, I'd be glad to help them out.
BTW, it's sunny and above zero today. Now, that's moving in the right direction!

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